the National Organization
MISSION Statement of Purpose We are dedicated to supporting and educating individuals navigating divorce or separation. Our goal is to help you understand and protect your rights in family and domestic matters.
Our mission is to promote the belief that both parents play an essential role in a child’s life and to ensure that all parents have a fair opportunity to maintain meaningful relationships with their children, regardless of marital status or family structure. We are committed to providing education and support to families, advocating for the importance of children being raised and nurtured by both parents.
Guided Support
Knowing your rights and understanding how to express them
Navigating Domestic Relations and Family Court
Transform your approach to legal challenges effectively.
Members Only
Evidence Gathering
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen vs Virginia State Bar (1964)
We do not practice law, we do not represent you, we do not send an individual on your behalf. It is illegal to practice law without a law license. For every law there is a loop hole and this is how we do it. We will educate individuals to defend themselves pro se or with or without an attorney. With a membership we can share with you information previous members have used to be successful allowing you to gain a full understanding of your direction and progress. As a member of a mutually beneficial organization like FFER tno you will be given the keys to succeed and transform your future.
In Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar, 377 U.S. 1 (1964), the Supreme Court lifted an injunction against a railroad union on the basis that preventing union members from recommending legal counsel to one another violated their First and 14th Amendment freedoms of speech, petition, and assembly.
(Image of railroad workers in Port Barre, Louisiana, 1938, via Library of Congress, public domain)
how does this benefit me?
Members are supported by a legion of volunteers in navigating legal challenges, ensuring children thrive with both parents involved. Our team provides guidance and training for effective self-representation or guiding your attorney to effectively change the course of your legal outcome.
"How long has it been since
you've seen them?
Judas Priest!"
Our services are for Members Only
365 days of Membership Donation of $365
$1 daily to have a team of individuals for 365 days at any hour of the day or night to help you navigate the gauntlet of custody proceedings.
90 days of Membership Donation of $125
On the ropes? not certain you can do this yourself? This will provide you with the same access as a yearly member for only 90 days. Budget package
Some of our Esteemed Directors of the Board
Isaiah 1:17"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless.
Manny Rey, Louis Lliteras II, Derrick Burgess
Empowering Parental Rights
Join our volunteer team to advocate for equal
parenting and support children's well-being.
Guided Legal Training
Learn to present your case effectively with our step-by-step guidance and support.
Active Case Participation
Engage in your case actively and gather evidence for a successful outcome.
Connect with like-minded individuals for shared experiences and encouragement.
”abandoned for 4 years she begged for forgiveness asked to visit them and snatched them up for 15 months. Court rules to "bring them back”
- Luis Estevez
”a game-changer in my journey to secure 50/50 invaluable resource's expert guidance ensuring I remain an active presence in her life,” Family First
- Johnny Garcia Jr
”I think she is moving what do i do?.” with the faith of a mustard seed we assumed Jurisdiction and our Daughter was brought home from Chicago for Full Custody.
- Jason Esquijarosa
”Against horrific false allegations with no hope. I was given back my entire family and now have full custody.”
- Hector Rosa
Member Testimonials
”Supervised Visitations false Allegations Dozens of Fictitious Domestic Violence 1 hour a weekend with a guard and camera's.... to full custody ” With an Attorney this was an invaluable resource.
- Glenford Malcom
”I waited at the bus stop and one of our Daughters didn't even recognize my face she saw the emblem on my shirt and with glee she said your my daddy, your my daddy my daddy”
- Terrance Davis
”During one of the most challenging periods of my life and a painful divorce. I felt isolated I was given strength to face each day, reminding me that I wasn't alone and that other fathers had successfully rebuilt their lives.
- Nestor Garcia
”Dark and daunting road and I would not have made it to the end without their guidance and support”
- Brian Basti
”This group not only gave me back what was taken from me but motivated me to become a Guardian ad Litem and eventually pursue a career in counseling children .”
- Edwin Cintron
”Our children's success is a direct result my influence Full Custodial Father.”
- Juan Rivero
”Against all odds under unimaginable allegations with representation I was given hope beyond understanding and thank God for full custody of both our boys.”
- Jacob Madden
”Our family is united because of your help thank you so very much.”
- Joey Bell
”pro se against an attorney I was able to secure 30K in retro active pay.
- Joann Lliteras
”for several these people helped me in family court call them now you will not regret it.”
- Kip Raboin
”Removed from the marital home and after a period of time returned to the home with 50/50 time sharing.”
- Emanuel Rey
this could be your story in our next chapter of victories however we do not hand out trophies of participation ” Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price."-Sun Tzu
- unknown soldier
Predict the future by protecting yourself
We have entertained two cases in 2023 where the unwed father's child was put up for adoption.
Civil Indigency Status
See if the state of Florida will approve to pay your filling fees
Private Processer Service Adam Brownstein
(786) 443-8345 Serving the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade Florida working with Us for 15+ years
All for 1 and 1 for All
Choose your weapons wisely we are not the only ones with the answers you have been given the same keys will you use it?
Get in touch
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.- Mathew.
Failure is not an option will they learn from you to give up, or will they die trying to fight for what belongs to them
Fathers for Equal Rights empowered me to take control of my case. Their guidance and training were invaluable in gaining full custody.
Louis Antonio Lliteras II